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Climax men

Physiological change of age due to changes in hormonal and general exchange, but first of all age Crossfade function of sex glands.
There comes aged 50 to 60 years and runs with the less visible manifestations than women. The mechanism of aging is not strictly specific, and therefore signs klimaksa - anticipation of old age may occur at different ages and with varying degrees of expression.
The main mechanism ugasaniya sexual function in the climax, obviously, should be considered changes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonads, which arise as a result of lower inkretornoy function of sex glands. The system correlative linked to nerve and humoral regulation of other parts of the body's systems. Therefore, expressed sharp or uncoordinated changes in the functional state of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad could lead to a variety of somatic disturbances.
Involutional processes in menopause affect primarily inkretornuyu function of the testicles. But often, and normal levels of testosterone in the blood plasma of men 70-80 years old. They saved some of libido and potency, permitting occasional sexual acts.
Consequently, in physiological aging occurs coordinated restructuring of the different levels of regulation of sexual activity, leading to even dismantlement of all levels to ensure sexual function, relatively stable physiological level, which is largely dependent on individual characteristics. When this process is unevenly, violated stroynost regulatory mechanisms, a clinical picture of the pathological klimaksa.
Clinical manifestations of pathological klimaksa men may be common or, preferably, relate only to certain systems or functions of the organism, such as the nervous, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, genitourinary. During pathological klimaksa is largely determined by a chain of events important part of that - a violation of the functions of sexual glands.
The main complaints: headaches, frequent heartbeat, pain in the hearts of non-physical stress, hypertension, shortness of breath, fever flush to the head, a sudden reddening face, neck and upper torso. Violations of the functions of the cardiovascular system, there are 60% of patients, nearly 40% of men with pathological manifestations klimaksa diabetes
Often, menopausal status is accompanied by depression, manifested loss of interest in work, family, hobbies past, a sense of doom and futility, valetudinarian, maudlin, unfounded jealousy, kantserofobiey and other sexual violations in the form of lower libido and potency, there are 80% of patients with pathological climax . The main complaint with the amount to weaken the erection, Premature ejaculation and erased orgasm.
Age changes in the functional state of sexual glands occur, mainly, disruption of cells Leydiga generating male sex hormone testosterone. Already at the age of 30-40 years there has been the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue in the testes, so typical of the senile body (NI Moors, 1978). This suggests that changes in sexual glands, depending on age, it seems, are legitimate and may occur earlier than previously assumed. Shutting down the sex hormones from the body gumoralnoy environment has a significant impact on its functions. Breached the activities of the central and autonomic nervous system, causing rasstroystvu neyrogumoralnoy regulation; suffer functions vistseralnyh bodies, changing metabolism; violated education and the provision of hormones, mediators, etc.
Violations of the activities of vascular WITH PATHOLOGIES climax depends on the age-related changes and functional state of the prostate (overgrowth of connective tissue, changing the secretory function), reduce the income of humoral Wednesday the body of its secret, has expressed sosudorasshiryayuschim action, especially in the vessels of the penis.
It is shown that occurs with age temperature increase and decrease the temperature of scrotum head of the penis, ie a convergence of these indicators. For example, if aged 20-30 years, temperature difference of about 5 ° C, for 45 years, it is equal to an average of 1,5 ° C, while those over 55 years becomes insignificant. Identified lowering the temperature of the head of the penis in connection with age is due, apparently, changing krovenapolneniya its vessels.
In patients with pathological change of the temperature of scrotum above, a temperature of the penis lower than those of healthy individuals of appropriate age. This suggests that if menopausal syndrome, there are more pronounced vascular irregularities in the genital organs than in the normal (physiological) during klimaksa. For these patients there and high blood pressure (180-200 / 100-140 mm RT. Art.) Angiospasticheskimi with crises, and frequent (attacks), painful bosses to face the heat and lack of potency.
Violations of sexual function in the climax are poligenezom. The emergence of contributing to changes in integrating the role of the central nervous system and hormonal regulation. WITH PATHOLOGIES climax disrupting sexual function often occurs suddenly, against the backdrop of an adequate sex life, which tends to exacerbate the already expressed neurotic expression inherent in this state.
When physiological change of normal, age-appropriate frequency of sex acts occur among the vast majority of men, WITH PATHOLOGIES same climax - only 3.9% of cases. The cause of impotence is often a violation of erektivnoy and eyakulyatornoy functions.
Lack of erection in the physiological climacteric, usually combined with the difficulty ejaculation, but WITH PATHOLOGIES climax - with the premature semyaizverzheniem. Are two main types of sexual disorders WITH PATHOLOGIES climax. The first is due primarily violation of cortical neyrodinamiki and reflected the so-called syndrome grumpy weakness. At the same time as a result of rapidly coming ejaculation sexual act can not be implemented in full. In the second (against the backdrop of nervous violations) - to the fore are the hormonal changes that contribute to rasstroystvu erektivnoy and eyakulyatornoy functions; often complete impotence.
Diagnosis of pathological klimaksa men based on setting patterns of complaints, the identification of androgen deficiency and hormonal diskoordinatsii. The most accurate method of determining hormones in the blood plasma - radioimmunologichesky. In assessing the complaints of men in the sexual violations, it is necessary to determine their objectivity, taking into account the legitimate age of declining sexual potency. Because the symptoms WITH PATHOLOGIES climax might have the same symptoms, with some typical of older diseases (atherosclerosis, koronarokardioskleroze, tserebroskleroze, etc.) must be comprehensive survey of patients therapist, endocrinologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, urology, Venereologists and other professionals.
Classic treatment to be only pathological climax. Therapy should be comprehensive, inclusive etiologicheskoe, pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment. First of all ages should take into account the parameters of the entry of men in menopause. It should be borne in mind, some endogenous and exogenous factors affecting the timing of klimaksa: traumatic, chemical, medikamentoznye or radiation exposure cases castration deferred inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system (including prostate) and entities involved in the metabolism of sex hormones, bilateral kriptorhizm with androgen deficiency, diabetes, alcohol and other chronic intoxication. In the treatment of male pathological klimaksa focused on activities related to psychotherapy, day treatment, diet and physical activity.
Treatment of age klimaksa - the inheritance of traditional healers and professional management skills of internal energy (qigong, tai-chi, etc.). Also plays an important role regular use of natural biostimulants such as ginseng, pollen, matochnoe milk, ASD.
