Physiological change of age due to changes in hormonal and general exchange, but first of all age Crossfade function of sex glands. There comes aged 50 to 60 years and runs with the less visible manifestations than women. The mechanism of aging is not strictly specific, and therefore signs klimaksa - anticipation of old age may occur at different ages and with varying degrees of expression. The main mechanism ugasaniya sexual function in the climax, obviously, should be considered changes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonads, which arise as a result of lower inkretornoy function of sex glands. The system correlative linked to nerve and humoral regulation of other parts of the body's systems. Therefore, expressed sharp or uncoordinated changes in the functional state of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad could lead to a variety of somatic disturbances. Involutional processes in menopause affect primarily inkretornuyu function of the testicles. But often, and normal levels of testoster...
To live a full life - means to be happy and healthy.